Set within Wakefield’s historic waterfront and overlooking the River Calder, The Hepworth Wakefield takes its name from one of the most important artists of the 20th century, Barbara Hepworth, who was born and raised in Wakefield. Working closely with The Hepworth Wakefield’s in-house graphic designer and Cultural Gardener, we produced a series of displays for the gallery across – but not limited to – signage, point-of-sale and vinyl decoration for the Garden café, Shop window, Gallery café window, Learning Studio window and Welcome desk. The client reported that the displays we produced were especially effective in promoting the commercial offer of the shop and café, including an exhibition in the café featuring work inspired by The Hepworth Wakefield Garden, and the graphics on the Learning Studio windows served to enhance the experience for families using the space which, during a two-week half-term break, engaged more than 500 participants.