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Nowhere is wayfinding more complex than in a hospital: large, difficult to navigate buildings; service users with a range of visual, language and understanding barriers; and differing health needs

What is Wayfinding?

Wayfinding is a catch-all term for directional signage: signage that allows people to locate where they need to be easily as possible.
Wayfinding can also be facilitated by visual prompts such as wall murals, displays and more tactile items such as memory boxes (in dementia friendly environments).

Why use Wayfinding?

Hospitals are large, complex buildings and can be difficult to navigate for anyone. The role of wayfinding signage is to enable people, who may never have been to the building and who may have a range of levels of understanding due to health conditions, to easily find their way around it.
This reduces anxiety, alleviates some of the pressure on hospital staff and helps to avoid lateness for appointments.
Our other products that aid wayfinding include external healthcare signage, wall murals, Picture This, memory boxes and dementia signage.

Where would you use Wayfinding?

Wayfinding signage should be used throughout hospitals and care homes, in all areas.

The benefits of Wayfinding

Enables people to find their way around large, complex buildings
Reduces anxiety
Reduces missed/late arrival for appointments
Reduces pressure on staff


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